Group Class Inquiry"*" indicates required fieldsGroup Class Name(s) You'd Like To Attend*How Did You Hear About Us?* Flyer from Pet Food Express I met a trainer I met a Canine Coaches student Word of mouth Online Search OtherOwner InformationOwner Name* First Last Phone*Email* Dog InformationDog's Name*Breed(s)*Date of Birth MM slash DD slash YYYY Sex* Male FemaleIs your dog spayed or neutered?* Yes NoHow does your dog react to visitors/strangers?*Is your dog likely to show any of the following behavior within 6 ft of another dog?* Bark Lunge Whine Growl None of the above.(Check all that apply.)Has your dog ever bitten or drawn blood from another living thing?*Has your dog ever been in a fight with another dog?* No YesIf Yes, please explain:* My dog is on regular, effective flea treatment. * My dog is up to date on all necessary vaccines and I will provide my dogs current vaccination records in person on or before the first class (Canine Influenza, Rabies, Distemper, Parvo, Bordetella, and Leptospirosis).* I Agree:* My dog is on regular, effective flea treatment. * My dog is up to date on all necessary vaccines and I will provide my dogs current vaccination records in person on or before the first class (Canine Influenza, Rabies, Distemper, Parvo, Bordetella, and Leptospirosis).* Our classes are for non-reactive dogs. * Our classes are limited to 8 students. * We will communicate with you via your email address from this form. We will never share your email address outside of The Canine Coaches.* I acknowledge the following:* Our classes are for non-reactive dogs. * Our classes are limited to 8 students. * We will communicate with you via your email address from this form. We will never share your email address outside of The Canine Coaches.SignatureDate MM slash DD slash YYYY EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.Δ